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WHY NOT YOU? How to Become an EMPOWERED Woman is a little book with a BIG message.


YOU have the power within yourself to create your own destiny and live your life with intention, purpose, and meaning, hence, BY DESIGN.

The time is now to take control of your life, stop pleasing everyone and pretending everything is fine, and not settle for less than what you deserve.

It is time for every woman to become empowered.

Excerpt from WHY NOT YOU? How to Become an EMPOWERED Woman

“You have a powerful mind. You are entitled to have meaningful work, excellent health, financial independence, and happy relationships. You have untapped talent and extraordinary ability within you and once you believe you do, you will be able to achieve everything you could ever want in life. Once you change your thinking and circumstances your life will change forever.”

By the end of WHY NOT YOU? How to Become an EMPOWERED Woman you will:

  • Learn how to live your life by design

  • Discover how to overcome your limiting beliefs, and create your own success

  • Identify your true values and design your life around them

  • Become accountable for everything that happens to you – good and bad

  • Achieve balance and become empowered in key areas of your life- emotional, health, financial, career, political

  • Use your new found knowledge to change your life and make a difference



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